Trusting the Madam

Jaime led us to a secret passage that only he in his family knew. Of course, by saying this, he was also admitting that he had more secrets hidden. But that wasn't important to me right now. What was important was that we got out of the estate without encountering enemies on the way. 

But just when we exited the secret passage leading to the exit at the back of the estate, I instantly grasp Minowa's situation. Fire and smoke from the heart of Minowa ascended as screams, cries, sword clashing, and everything grew distinct in my ear. 

I fixed my eyes on the thick smoke. The peaceful Minowa was no more. It was a tragedy, indeed. 

I gripped Lakresha tightly as my jaw tightened. I had to make a choice right now; one was to lead this group to safety while the other was to rescue the children crying for help from a distance, but that would risk these people.