You'll regret my undivided attention

"Good to see you again, Your Majesty, the Empress."

The expression on my face remained aloof, batting my eyes at the sight of this familiar person. Acheron Roseberg, a former Duke in the east, was said he had died. That was the version other people know, but the truth was, he only fled when Sam ascended the throne. 

Acheron knew the emperor would kill him. Death was the easiest part, but what was terrifying was the things he would experience before that. Now, this man was just a traitor — had always been — who connived with a rival country which only made things worst. If he was here, I was certain there were more troublesome people in here.

"It's an honor to be in the presence of the Empress," he added with the same smile. 

"Then you shall bow down, don't you think?"

"Hah... you've never changed once, Your Majesty."