Weak and pathetic butler

Maxine, George, and Benedict were capable members of the Divine Order. Back in the palace during Stefan's time, they split the bearers of the divine weapons. The third squadron was under Rufus; those in the third squadron, Ramin, Kristina, and Charlotte, were the people who had a strong sense of being a bearer that they refused to receive direct orders from the king.

Initially, Rufus wasn't royalty. So, they didn't have a problem working with him, considering the matters of the Undead. But because of the bond we created and all the schemes behind the kingdom, we learned to trust each other. Those three who initially bore prejudice against the royals ended up serving me, then, Sam. 

Unlike those three, these three had been receiving orders from Stefan ever since. To them, Stefan was their king — their God. It would be presumptuous of me if I say they were traitors of the Order because that wasn't the case.