The promise she made

I had almost gone used to the sounds of deafening shouts and clashing of metals as everyone roared at the top of their lungs. Even I yelled as I faced multiple rebels, helping anyone I could. With Fabian and me joining the battle, our people gained their momentum, fighting fiercely.

No guilt or remorse at the deaths under our belt. No mercy each time we swung our weapons. We didn't have the leisure to waver because we were all aware entertaining those emotions would not only cost us our lives but also the lives behind that gate.

Although we inflicted minimal casualties, we were gaining the upper hand. And yet, no one was happy about it. The pilings of bodies on the ground, voices once being heard along with the metals would fade in a second, and blood coloring us... this was no doubt a painful, bloody war. 

A war no one could hide or run from; a night full of uncertainty whilst holding our breaths of whose voice would fade the next second.