
When morning came, Fabian finally saw the real state of the mansion. Dusty floors and furniture, cobwebs on the wall, and everything to make a butler like him cry in distress. All night, he had been idling while waiting for daytime in the mansion's lobby. However, once the sun rose, he couldn't help but pinch the space between his brows. 

Fabian sat on the dusty settee that was covered in a white sheet. His arms rested on his thigh, hands linked, trying to ignore his dirty surroundings. There was this tiny path on the floor that wasn't covered with dust as if it was being swept constantly. But it was obvious that wasn't the case. 

That tiny clean path was the cause of that lady's long hair and long dress. Her hair was too long that reached the floor. Hence, whenever she walked, her hair and dress were like sweeping the floor.