The Imperial Knight's flag

"Let's go, Lilou."

Stefan didn't look at me as he casually took a step towards the gates. Zero also shrugged as he pivoted on his heel, whistling as he walked away. I fought the urge to look back, gritting my teeth before following them. But just when I took five steps, I paused.

"Father!!!" I snapped my eyes and looked back when Law yelled at the top of his lungs. "You said if I need you, I just have to call your name!! They are taking Mother away! They killed Mister Fabian and now... and now!! They will also take my mother with them!!"

"Law..." I choked, taking an unconscious step towards him, only to stop when Stefan grabbed my wrist. "... my baby."

"Father!!!" Law shouted his lungs out, tears and snot mixing on his face, but he didn't care. "Save my mother!! I will be good from now on!! So please.... someone... save my mother."