[Bonus chapter]Kill Law

"So, that's what happened." Sam nodded in understanding, glancing at me before his eyelashes fluttered when he shifted it to Stefan. "Ian, welcome back, by the way."

"Thank you, my lord." Fabian still smiled until his eyes squinted, but it just looked different from usual. Fabian often smiled politely, but there was no trace of politeness in Fabian's tone. If anything, he sounded like he stood on the same ground as Sam. Also, Sam called him differently; so it was like Sam and Hell's circumstance but a bit different, after all?

"Ru, please put your toy away." He put his finger on the tip of the blade pointing at him, pushing it away lightly. "I won't attack His Grace. After all... I had my eyes on someone else."

Fabian's lips stretched from ear to ear as he cast Zero a look. Whatever Fabian had in mind, I knew it was just something evil. One could tell just by looking at him. Rufus studied him for a while before withdrawing his sword.