The promised story that will moved even the most callous heart

"History said the day the Empress died, the night didn't make a sound. There was a long procession of silence as the Emperor carried her remains in his arm, marching back to their home. When the victims of the war saw the emperor and the empress in his arm, none were able to make a sound." The woman scanned the faces of the young ladies, mostly noble teens, who were listening to the story she was narrating under the tree. "It was the most devastating day for the empire; more devastating than the disastrous result of the war, for this empire lost its mother forever."

"Did the emperor take in another wife?" asked one young lady curiously.

The woman shook her head with closed-lip. "The Emperor only loved the Empress. He poured all his love into her, and even after her death, he married her multiple times. He also created a statue of her and proclaimed a week that is only meant to remember her."