The Grimsbanne

The journey to the mainland wasn't easy as it sounded. But Samael promised he would do everything and not give up on Lilou. So, even though he was caught as soon as he landed on the said land of vampires and nearly got executed, he didn't falter. 

Fortunately, Tilly was always watching. So when she arrived, she managed to save Samael and his family and entered the mainland as Tilly's guest. Who would go against Mathilda Grimsbanne? No one on the mainland wanted that woman to make a move. So, her guests, who were also her kin, were welcomed — although there were still prejudiced against these outsiders at first.

  Samael cocked his head to the side, accompanying his auntie to the library after their afternoon picnic. Tilly picked up the cup of tea with her eyes on the book she was reading.