Back to Grimsbanne II

Over two years ago...

It had been a month since I woke up from yet another short slumber. This time, I was only dead for eight months. Yes. Dead. My existence was surely a blasphemy that broke the natural law of order in this world. But alas... I didn't care about that anymore. What mattered to me was I had more chances to spend time with my family. 

"So, that's what happened." I nodded as Sam was explaining what happened to the empire bit by bit. A week after I woke up, Sam explained to me what happened to us, where we were, and who was my savior. Since I was a bit weak, he didn't want to bombard me with new information. So, we were taking it slow and steady. One information at a time. 

I glanced at Sam, who was sitting on the chair beside my bed. "After I died, Heliot proposed to meet Tilly?" I asked for confirmation, seeing him nod as a response.