The little reunion II

"How do we get out?"

"My lady, I don't think that is the plan." Kristina voiced out awkwardly. 

"Hey, you two. I heard you got married, but why are you here?" Klaus followed, darting his eyes between Kristina and Noah with an arched brow. "You didn't accompany His Majesty to the devil's den, but here you are!"

"Klaus, where we spend our honeymoon is ours to decide." Noah frowned as he glanced at Klaus, the person who never changed.

"They are correct, Klaus." Rufus shook his head as he ran his fingers through his hair. This was awkward, he thought. 

Silence. After Rufus spoke, none of them made a sound as if an angel just walked by. Claude's eyes glossed over their gloomy expression. It was all obvious this wasn't just uncomfortable; it was suffocating and draining. 

"Awkward..." he muttered only to raise a brow as he heard light footsteps.