The previous and current lover

One week before Lilou and Samael's wedding...

It was the night Rufus, Klaus, and Dominique hunted down the evasive Fabian to teach him a lesson for once. The three of them split for a larger search. Whoever finds him first could challenge Fabian in a duel. A real duel, not just a friendly one. They were pissed. 

But while Rufus was searching for Fabian, he caught a figure standing on the roof. Rufus would check everywhere, so when he looked up, he narrowed his eyes and recognized Yulis. Why was he there? He wondered, despite already getting the gist of the reason. 

Was he concerned about Yul? Or did Rufus have some words to tell him? Rufus was unsure of what forced him to approach Yulis. But he did. Jumping from the ground, Rufus hopped and clung onto the balcony. There, Tilly and Charlotte were engaged in a conversation.