The winner of the bet is...

"So... did they reconcile or not?" 

Klaus scrunched his nose up, listening to Yulis and Silvia's conversation. He turned his head to the rest who were eavesdropping with him. Who were they? Everyone. Even the bride and groom were present, Sam carrying Sunny to force his wife to follow. 

"I think they did?" Claude replied in confusion, frowning as he was unsure himself. 

"You're just saying that because that's what you bet on," Dominique muttered, shaking his head. 

Just as they started to argue in a murmur, keeping it low to not catch the Yulis and Silvia's attention, both of them still noticed. Actually, they already felt their presence halfway through their talk, but they pretended not to notice. The two cast them a look, making Klaus clear his throat.