
[ To my precious friend,

I am deeply disheartened I cannot attend and celebrate an auspicious occasion with you. Currently, our Karo Kingdom was undergoing a change. Although I am quite unsure if this will make me happy or sad or anything, in particular, I hope it will make me feel something. 

While looking up outside the window, I noticed the moon was shining so brightly and beautifully. It makes me recall the brief trip I made in Grimsbanne. 

For the past years, I had been in search of things that will make me feel alive. Your words had become a riddle I needed to crack. I am not blaming you for leaving this question in my head. If anything, I am looking forward to the answers to it. 

I will keep this letter short, for my hands are full at the moment. However, remember that under the same sun, moon, and sky, there is someone who genuinely wishes for your happiness and well-being.