
In the end, we just made a separate small bonfire consisting of Fabian, Tilly, Ramin, who snuck away while it was early, Kristina, and Noah. Apparently, Rufus was dragged into the chaos and was now battling someone there in the open forest clearing outside the mansion. 

"His Majesty..." Kristina sighed as she cast us all a look. "Lilou, is this alright?" 

"I don't know, Kristina. If only I knew that Sam invited those people, I would've agreed to him to hasten our honeymoon." I replied with the same low energy, shaking my head lightly. 

"Will His Majesty and his right-hand man be alright? I know this is a different place, but just what would the people back in the empire think if they get wind of this?" Noah voiced out worriedly. I could understand his worry because Noah and the House Remington were one of the strongest supporters of Rufus. For an emperor to get involved in a group brawl was something unheard of.