Farewell II

"You've grown tall. You're even taller than me now. Take care always, Claude. When you are having a hard time, just think that there is someone under the same sky who wished for your well-being."

I patted Claude's back lightly. My eyes softened when I felt his arms around me, resting his forehead on my shoulder.

"Visit me sometimes, Auntie." He muttered, almost like a desperate request. 

"Mhm. I will. For sure. Until then, I will constantly write you letters even though you don't reply that much. I will keep sending them and the tea you like so much."

"Mhm..." he hummed, tightening his embrace as if he didn't want to let go. 

"Mother." I raised my brows when I heard Rufus from my side. So I let Claude go and smiled at him, pleased when he smiled back at me. 

"Yes, my son?" I slowly turned my head to Rufus, tilting my head. "Did you think I will not go along with this joke?"