Owl Guild

"Aish...! Why do you keep on following me?!" 

Penny clicked her tongue, annoyed at Claude, who was following her like a tail. Although he kept a good distance, he was like a puppy following his new master. 

"I told you I don't have anywhere to go. I can pay you just to keep me safe." Claude frowned, watching her gaze at him in disdain. "Please. I can adjust. I just need a home."

"Hah...!" Penny scrunched her nose up. She had already sized up this man, and he wasn't the type of person who should be tangled in this type of world. Although she didn't know what sort of story this young man had, this path she was taking was dangerous. 

If Penny only knew... how great of an actor, this man was in front of her.

"God... I hate myself." She pinched the space in her brows. "Why am I so weak in these kinds of people? No. How can I not say no to handsome men?" she grumbled, hissing, before letting out a deep exhale.