Losing his composure

Two weeks had gone by since Claude was welcomed in the guild as Third. For the past two weeks, Claude simply did menial chores and drank with everyone during the night. Although there were only a few times in a week where everyone would gather and close the pub from clients, Claude was getting used to this new routine. 

"Penny, you look a little happy tonight." He pointed out, gazing at Penny from across the table. He had his arms against the edge of the table, glancing at everyone around the square table. 

"Haha! There's only one reason for Leader to be happy!" Gai draped his arm around Claude's neck, standing from beside his chair with booze in his hand. Claude frowned, eyes on Penny, who was hissing after chugging down a glass of booze. 

"Three weeks." She raised three fingers in front of her. "In three weeks, I will fucking break that bastard's neck."

His eyes dilated slightly. "You mean...?"