Did I stumble into a secret I shouldn't?!

One month later...

"Hey! Can't you do this properly?! Look, it's crook!" 

"Ughh!! This is not my forte! I did my best, alright!" 

"This one too! Anyone is available to fix this crack?"

"Me! Me! Me!" 

"Oh, Betty. Thanks. But this requires a bit of strength. Gai, are you --"


Penny laughed, watching everyone from the second floor of the pub renovate the place while leaning on the railing. They decided to settle down in Monarey now that the Nightwalkers had faced demise. The incident had taken a few members' lives. 

She was still thankful that the earl returned the bodies to them so they could hold a proper burial. Although she hadn't met Claude ever since he visited them a month ago. 

"Leader." Penny turned her head to her side, where Peter stood. "Did the Earl really permit us to operate as a legit guild?"