Participating in her brother-in-law's research

After their dinner, Rufus stayed in the dining hall alone. His eyes were on the other end of this long table where his empress usually sat.

'Fail,' he whispered in his head, reaching for the decanter to pour himself a glass of wine. 

Florence reminded him of Silvia. Yes. She was like the younger version of Silvia. Her eyes brimmed like the woman he fell in love with. Full of hope, expectations, and positivity. 

The main reason Rufus shut his heart instantly, giving no room for any development for this marriage. Why? Because deep down, he knew that if he fell in love with Florence, it wouldn't be real. It would only mean he fell in love with his first love's ghost.

That was unfair to Florence. Therefore, he immediately drew the line. If Florence stayed, then she stayed. If she wanted to go, then he wouldn't hold her back.