The tip of the iceberg


Claude remained silent, sitting at the corner table in a restaurant. Wearing a thick cloak with a hood over his head, he glanced at the other corner, far away from his spot. 

Silence enveloped the entire establishment, very unlike the usual scene one could see. And the reason for that was the presence of an arrogant noble vampire, throwing the food just because it wasn't appetizing enough in his eyes. 

"This is what you call food?" Noah snorted, resting his feet up on the table like a rogue. "Surely, the Brown's thinks everyone here is just as cheap as them!"

The very few guests of the restaurant remained silent, avoiding catching the troublesome young master's attention. Claude had seen Noah a few times back when he was a child. So he wasn't surprised to see that Noah, who would become the Duke of Whistlebird, and also the person who would betray the current Duke Remington and his heir, was acting all high and mighty.