That's a turn off

"Forget about Lilou. She's in good hands. We have a bigger problem. They're after us... the Grimsbanne."

Samael fluttered his eyes, shifting to the side where Tilly was at. The latter didn't have much reaction upon hearing her nephew's first remarks.

"So it's part of the bigger scheme?" she inquired after a moment of silence. Samael peeled his eyes away from her to look at the dark concrete ceiling. 

"Quentin. He... that damned man had worked with the people on the mainland, waiting for the perfect time to strike," he explained calmly, but one could tell he was simply containing himself. Thanks to Tilly, who paralyzed him from the inside, he couldn't spring out of this coffin and commit a massacre. 

"Stefan had uncovered this, but since he had a blood agreement with Quentin and a vow of silence, he couldn't tell anyone directly," he continued, grinding his fangs with sharp eyes. "He left you a letter, did he?" 

"Yes, he did."