The seven deadly sins

"I mean it. If one of the Grimsbanne died, we will all die, Samael."

Samael furrowed his brows, propping his elbow on the grass to assist himself to sit up. He then raised his head, cocking his head to the side while Tilly squatted down.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked, out of plain curiosity. "I understand our situation is bad, but you never told us that if one of us died, we'll all die. Are you saying our lives are connected to each other?"

Tilly glanced at him before her eyes fell on the grass. She then drew circles on the grass with her index.

"No. I'm not saying if one of us died, we'll all die automatically. However, dying also meant our enemies found a way to exterminate all of us," she explained, drawing seven holes underneath the grass. "The blood of Grimsbanne was special, and three of us: Marsella, Abel, and Tilly, had lived four times than your age. They called us Originals for a reason."