Love is love


Silvia blinked multiple times, watching her little sister Cassara enjoy the grapes while sitting leisurely on the divan. Sitting… no, she was lying on her side, which she would never do, at least not in front of Silvia. 

"Sister, you seemed to have been in a good mood these days." Silvia smiled as she raised her brows, ignoring Cassara's relaxed demeanor. Although the latter just came into her quarters unannounced, Silvia was already used to her personality. Therefore, being civil was something Silvia was already used to. 

"Who wouldn't be in a good mood if I hadn't been seeing our husband's face?" Cassara snickered as a piece of grape hovered before her lips. "Don't tell me you're yearning for his presence in your bedroom? Why not call for a male escort to fill the void in your heart? If one is not enough, try inviting two or three. It'll be fun."