I'm not playing


As soon as Samael's name slipped past her lips, Cassara pushed herself up and took a step back, causing the chair to tip over her side. Her dilated eyes were fixed on his approaching figure before she turned her head in Rufus's direction.

"You…!" she seethed, balling her hand into a fist. "What the hell are you expecting by bringing him here?"

There was no way Samael would wake up from his slumber if Rufus didn't do anything. That was what she instantly believed. So, the help Rufus needed from her was to help Samael regain his memories before the reversal of time? And not Fabian? Was that it? 

Cassara ground her teeth and shook her head, glaring daggers at Rufus before she faced Samael. The second her brother stepped foot inside the pavilion, her shoulder tensed up. She gazed back at him, only to see his unsmiling face, making her feel cornered.