His heart had spoken

"I also wonder, Via. What did you even see in me?"

Silvia's breath hitched at his question. It had been a very long time since Rufus called her like that. Rufus only called her by her name when things between them were still good. However, after that, never once did Rufus address her without honorifics. 

"Why are you wasting your time on someone who thinks he can decide for you?" she turned around as he continued, only to see him looking back at her with utter bitterness in his eyes. "What we had is something I was grateful for. However, it's not worth dwelling on it anymore. You and I… we already knew it will never work between us. Even if you still love me and I…"

Rufus trailed off as he bit his tongue. He knew he shouldn't be spewing things like this and leaving things as they were. But he had already opened his mouth. Then again, they would leave the Capital tomorrow or the next day. Once they did, they wouldn't return until things were settled.