Samael's fault

Lilou sat down on the edge of the bed for an elongated time. Dread reigned over her face, head hanging low, guilt and shame eating her up from the inside. 

"What did I just do?" she asked herself for the umpteenth time. She clenched her hand on her lap, holding her breath as she recalled the experienced she just had in the bathroom. 

After venturing her body with 'Samael's guidance,' her entire body shivered upon reaching climax, making her core throb as heat leaked from inside her. Like a withering flower, she wobbled to the floor and Samael dispersed into thin air. 

She looked at herself in the mirror for a long time until she had enough strength to clean herself. She thought to forget what just happened, but here she was, stuck on the edge of the bed with dread dominating her face. It was impossible to forget it.