
The dinner ended quite peacefully. Tilly didn't eat even a portion before she claimed she had indigestion and left. Meanwhile, Lilou and Law agreed to take a walk without inviting Samael. Yet, the latter followed them, albeit keeping a safe distance from them as they walked in the garden. 

Walking several steps behind them, Samael smiled. 

'This feels like home.' His eyes were fixed on Lilou, holding Law's hand. The two were conversing just about anything, walking leisurely, as if the world was a safe place to be in. His eyes softened, watching her squat beside Law to fix his scarf. 

The climate in Karo was crazy. During the day, it was sweltering hot, but at night, the wind could be freezing cold. 

'I still wonder why she is so angry at me…' he sighed and continued to follow the two when they resumed.