I'm scared

Samael looked at Lilou with blank eyes. She had her eyes to the side, avoiding his gaze at all costs, sporting this fake bravado as if she didn't care about their situation. 

Lilou sighed secretly. 'This man is driving me crazy... really!' she clicked her tongue and mustered the courage to look back at him.

"Stop. What do you think you're doing?" she snatched her finger from his lips, failing to hide the apparent blush on her cheeks. "Goodness... how can you lick a lady's hand? Didn't you have etiquette lessons? Tch."

'What lesson did this man learn? Did the royalties also have seduction classes? It sure is effective,' she continued in her head, clutching her finger close to her. But when she noticed him just looking at her, her brows rose.

"What?" she asked. 'Why is he looking at me like that? Lilou, don't fall for his mixed signals!'