The spring had come

Lilou fell asleep right after their lovemaking session. All she gave Samael was a warning glare with the mischief in his eyes. He behaved, though. He let her sleep in his arms and wiped the sweat from her body. Samael stared at her for an hour or so, smiling and caressing her face from time to time. 

"I love you," he whispered, tracing her nose from its bridge to its tip. "Very much."

His eyes softened, unable to take his smile off of his face. He wanted to wake her up just to let her know he loved her more than she could even imagine. However, this time, he wanted to let her rest. 

"We'll go home soon, my love." He leaned forward, kissing her forehead. He let his lips on her forehead for a while, sniffing her natural scent hard. "Hang in there."