Let's free him

"He will kill you if you move an inch further."

Lilou instantly froze and then retracted her hand in panic. She narrowed her eyes at Klaus cautiously, clutching her wrist closer to her chest. 

"Is that true?" she asked Klaus, which the latter found stupid. Of course, he would shake his head profusely and deny it. He wasn't crazy like Fabian, who wouldn't deny his evil intentions. +

Lilou didn't buy it, though. 

Keeping her eyes narrowed, she raised her eyes at the person who interrupted her. She cocked her head, seeing a man under a thick cloak stop several steps away from her. The hood over the man's head covered almost half of his face, and all she could see were his untrimmed beards and his narrow nose. 

"Who...?" she muttered, knitting her brows and tilting her head to the side. 

Claude, who was unlike her, could see her innocence in her eyes. His eyes softened as his breathing turned heavy, moving his gaze from her out of guilt.