Not a scratch

Happening at the same time...

Inside a small house situated on the outskirts of the capital, Fabian was standing by the open wooden door. His eyes were on the lady sitting on the chair near the window. At one glance, it only appeared it was a scene with a fallen lady from a noble house and his butler coming back empty-handed. But that was definitely not the case. 

Fabian, like usual, was smiling until his eyes were squinting. "What did you say?" he asked as if he didn't hear her words just now.

"I don't want to go back," Florence repeated, setting her pair of midnight blue eyes that complimented her tan skin perfectly, on him. "You abducted me yesterday, so you have to take responsibility."

"..." Fabian cocked his head to the side, trying to understand the logic behind her remarks. "His Highness, your brother, already gave a handsome reward."