He had fallen

"I don't feel safe."

Heliot watched her reaction and saw nothing. Tilly's expression remained the same, blinking every once in a while, and then taking another bite from the biscuit. 

"Very well. A servant will come if you needed something else, and my men will prepare a carriage for you." He planted his hand on the armrest, getting his cue to leave her alone. "You do not need to inform me of your departure and if you can, give my word to His Grace. My people are already assembling."

With that being said, Heliot pushed himself up and sauntered off without another word. But just as he was several steps from the door, he stopped at her remarks. 

"What did you say?" he asked, looking back at Tilly. 

Tilly shot him a glance and then turned her head to the window. "He had fallen," she whispered. 
