The ripple effect

Silvia let out a deep exhale as she closed the door behind her. She looked back at Cassara's chamber, shaking her head mildly. 

"I guess she's fine," she whispered. "Since she's speaking nonsense again, there's no need to be worried."

Cassara's ability wasn't that useful in a battle; it was considered very weak in the world of vampires. However, it was also considered a very convenient one. Cassara's ability had protected her from any powerful vampire abilities such as illusions, rewriting of memories (just like Silvia's), and the sort. 

Even so, just like every ability, there were risks. For Cassara, using her abilities to bring back someone's memories could be fatal. Because Cassara had to see those memories from that person's perspective, feel that person's heart and sufferings, and it would be her memories to carry.