Why Sunny was left behind?

Meanwhile, inside the mansion's dining hall…

Tilly, Law, and Rufus were already eating their breakfast, while Fabian served them refreshments. The head seat where Stefan always sits was empty, and a few chairs where Samael and Lilou would perch.

"Will my father survive?" asked Law when he couldn't take the silence anymore, raising his eyes at Rufus, who was sitting just across from him. "If Mother recovered her memories just as Tilly said, then that means she will remember about Sunny."

Rufus froze as that slipped his mind, gazing at Tilly, who also paused in forking a piece of pea. "Uhh…"

"His Grace will surely die," Fabian was the first to recover. Unlike Tilly and Rufus, who had almost forgotten about Sunny with everything that had happened during these months, Fabian had already thought long and hard about it all night. Hence, the black funeral attire he was wearing.