Change of plans

When Samael came inside Law's chambers where his wife and son were, he stopped several steps from the shut door. His eyes fell on Lilou and Law, sitting on the futon. Her eyes were almost puffy from all the crying, and the tip of her nose had already turned red. Meanwhile, the worry in Law's eyes was evident. 

A deep exhale slipped past his mouth, resuming in his steps until he was standing near the coffee table. Lilou looked away from him, looking back at Law.

"Mother." Law smiled subtly at her. "I will leave you two alone."

To his surprise, Lilou held his hand and shook her head. "Stay."


"I agree with your mother, Law." Law raised his eyes at Samael at his remarks, watching the latter walk towards them. Samael squatted down in front of Lilou, holding Law's other hand. "I think this is a discussion you need to hear, son. We're family, and whether or not we like it, we cannot keep you in the dark."