Fabian can't come

According to Tilly, there was a hierarchy in every race. Vampires, for instance, had a blood hierarchy. Starting from the bottom were Abnormals, turned, the complicated half-bloods, lower nobles, nobles, purebloods, and then the king. 

But not many knew… or rather, only those on the mainland were aware of the level above the King: the Grimsbanne. 

If they based it on the blood hierarchy, it was the same for the holders of light. The Divine Order was a branch of it. Their existence was obvious, and that was to stand on equal ground against the pureblooded vampires.

The Divine Order was created by none other than Soran; the man who has washed ashore at the vampire's breeding ground and captured the heart of the Grimsbannes. He was the man who used to rule the Heart's Kingdom before meeting his unfortunate end.