A disgrace

As planned, Stefan, Klaus, and Fabian would leave first. Stefan had already ordered his people to retreat and return to the Heart's Kingdom, telling them to be discreet but leave traces for the enemies to get the hint. The main point was for the enemies to think the Grimsbanne was all on their own; they might doubt it and think it was part of an elaborate plan, but they won't completely rule that out. 

"Will they be fine?" Lilou asked, watching Klaus and Stefan prepare their steeds from the room on the second floor of the mansion. 

"Of course," Samael answered nonchalantly. "Don't forget that's Stefan. He gave us a hard time in the past."

She looked back, facing Samael, who was sitting on the divan. Tilly was on the armchair while Fabian was standing near her. Fabian, although he had another mission, would need to leave separately and with discretion. They couldn't allow the enemies to know Fabian had parted ways with them.