What are the odds?

Fabian didn't hurt Florence and had only put her to sleep. Hence, she still has all the energy to use and sneak out of the Royal Palace. Fortunately, Heliot didn't think she would sneak out and didn't order an increase in security. 

Sneaking out for Florence was as easy as slicing a piece of cake. She had done it many times to count growing up since she wasn't that an important princess. Even though Heliot knew about her mischief, he turned a blind eye to it, since the land of Karo was overall a safe place for his sister. Moreover, it was not like it was doing Florence any harm.

Who would have thought? That after many years of sneaking out, a day would come where Florence would sneak out with no intention of returning? Well, it was not like she didn't attempt to flee home that night Fabian abducted her. 

It just so happened Heliot didn't know her heart, since he thought Fabian took her against her will.