This particular night II


Klaus glanced to his side, catching Stefan bouncing along with his steed as they galloped through the thick forest. They had been rushing back to the Heart's Kingdom without taking a break. Their group had also grown bigger because Stefan's shadow knights had been following their king and just kept themselves hidden all this time. 

"Your Majesty!" yelled Klaus to get Stefan's attention. "Did you say we will make a detour?"

"Yes!" Stefan yelled back, casting his brother a sidelong glance before focusing on the road. "I'll have to visit some people."

"Who are they?"

"People…" Stefan's eyes glinted, recalling he had recruited those people around this time in the past. "... members of the Divine Order."

Upon hearing Stefan's remarks, Klaus rocked his head. The latter kept his mouth shut, listening to the loud footsteps of the horses and the constant rustle of the leaves every time a shadow knight land on a branch.