Questionable family values


Samael opened and closed his hands, flexing the muscle in his arms. His sleeve was folded up to his elbow, staring at the multiple bruises on his pale skin he got from the constant injection of needles. 

"Apparently, those little needles stings than when fangs sink into your skin," he remarked, shifting his eyes at the person sitting on the chair near him. The other person had his back facing him as he placed back little jars containing red fluid inside a suitcase.

"How many can you make with those?" Samael asked.

The person slowly turned around to face him, revealing an old vampire that Samael was so, so familiar with.

Theodore Darkbridge.

One of Zero's strongest support and also a part of the 'seance' Lilou used to attend back then, which was also attended by Mortas Martin, Acheron Roseberg, Tristan Willow, Yulis, and Zero himself.