No one wants to stare at Truth because it was naked


Klaus and Silvia immediately rushed to the sitting room next to where they were the moment they smelled Claude's blood. Their dilated eyes searched the room and instantly caught Claude and Cassara inside. 

Klaus's eyes fell on Claude's hand, catching red fluid on the latter's small palm. Cassara was holding up Claude's wrist while the other held a small knife.

"You!" Fire shone in Klaus's eyes as she stormed inside. "What do you think you're doing to him?"

"Klaus!" Silvia jumped in the middle before her brother could even reach Cassara. She planted her hand on his chest, shaking her head mildly. "Calm down, Klaus."

"Calm down?" Klaus scoffed, keeping his unblinking eyes between his nephew and his sister. "It's clear she planned to hurt him. I'm not going to let it slide."