The most beautiful swan dancing in a black lake

It was no secret the people in the Spade Kingdom loved to indulge themselves in entertainment. It was so popular that it helped their country prosper by this wealth flowing within their walls. But, there was this one thing in particular that had the greatest honor for anyone in the country. 

That was to be invited into the palace and have an audience with the king. 

It wasn't like it was rare for the king to attend banquets, but the king had chosen every event he would participate in. It was a great choice on his part, making a point that he only graces useful people with his presence. 

Anyone the king favored — even if that person was from the very bottom of the nobility — would have a complete change of life. Gaining the king's respect was akin to gaining the entire country's respect. This was definitely one of the strongest points of this country: their unity.