One against countless


Lilou yelled after slaying another pureblooded vampire to the ground. She looked up, catching Samael and Zero clash midair. 

"Tch!" She clicked her tongue, annoyed at the smug grin plastered across her husband's face. He was enjoying it.

"I told him not to get carried away," she mumbled, hearing a loud yell from her side. Lilou raised her scythe to block the attack on instinct. The piercing metal clashing rang in her ear. 

"Why… can't he stick to the plan?" came out through her gritted teeth, kicking the person who attacked her before leaving a slash across the man's body. "Samael La Crox!" 

When Samael heard his wife's voice echo like thunder, he snapped back to his senses and sent Zero flying. As Zero crashed against the wall, he landed safely on the second floor of the greenhouse.