Hell's Gate

"Lilou! Watch out!" 

Lilou froze momentarily, sensing this hot breath down her nape. Before she could think of anything, Lilou's body turned to save her. 


Her eyes fell on the dark thread that fell on the ground, wide-eyed. When she raised her gaze, her breathing slowed down. 

"You…" she trailed off, gulping. "... who are you?"

Several steps away from her was a person so familiar to her. Platinum hair and those bright, malicious golden eyes. 


However, as this man stood before Lilou, she was certain Samael was also fighting this same guy. How come there were two of them? 

"It's me, dear, your fiance." Zero spread his bloodstained arms with a sick grin plastered on his face. "Can't you remember me?"

"I know your name, but how come there are two of you?" her grip on Lakresha tightened, growing wary of him as she could feel his growing aura.