Until then, they must fight together.

As the warships from the Heart and Spade kingdoms came closer, the fires of cannons grew intense. Soldiers on both sides hoist their anchors, shooting it up to the upcoming naval ships to invade one another. The battle was so intense with no land surface for a fight, thus, conquering each other's ships was their only way to win such a battle. 

Even when the thousand elegant stars that were dominating the sky disappeared due to the layer of darkness that covered the sky, land, and even the sea, no one paid attention to it. Those who did were people who were capable enough to pause. 

For instance, Stefan. 

Stefan stood mightily on the desk, stopping the cannons from hitting the ship he was in. Despite the distance of other ships, some of his men jumped from the ship. Using their agility, they were able to reach the enemy ship, and the enemy had done the same.