What are you fighting for?


"What are you fighting for, Rufus Barrett?" 


The spark caused by the metals lighted up between Rufus and Acheron. The latter's firm voice resounded after the piercing clash of metals, echoing in the howling silence in the air. Both of their swords rattled against in between two figures holding their ground in their fierce duel.

"I fight for what is right," Rufus breathed out through his gritted teeth, eyes glinting at Acheron. "What are you fighting for, Acheron Roseberg?"

Acheron sneered, channeling his stretch to his grip to push Rufus back. Another piercing clang resounded in his ears, jumping up in the air, only to catapult Rufus to launch another attack. 


Rufus blocked the attack in the nick of time, but the ground underneath his feet created a hollow as a result of that attack. If Rufus was a little weaker, that attack would crush not just his sword, but also him.