Ah... ouch

Powerful explosions resonated in the air as the smoke in the air thickened into a fog. Samael leaped one after another attack, dodging all the gigantic black threads coming at him like dust devils. He had a plan and a simpleton like him first thought digging up the ground to uproot his current opponent would be easy.

However, with only his sword, Catharsis, to abuse, he quickly realized it wouldn't be as easy as he thought it would. Therefore, he had to improvise.


Samael jumped from the ground, flying up in the air. Gazing down, the side of his lips curled up into a smirk upon seeing the tentacle-like threads wiggling while its head was deep into the ground. 

"Let's dig together." His tone was arrogant, grinning as he looked back at the incoming threads. "Good. The faster and stronger, the better."