
"Knock them out. It's best for the both of them."

The knight gazed at Claude in surprise as the latter drew his head back. Seeing the resolve in Claude's eyes, the knight nodded without a word. With that being said, the knight ushered the children to the other soldiers to ride with them. But just as they reached the chariot, the other knight pressed something on the children's shoulder, knocking them out as quietly as possible. 

Claude rocked his head as the knights glanced back in his direction before Claude set his eyes back on Heliot. Claude marched in Heliot's direction, stopping several steps from the latter. 

Since Claude would separate ways with them, he instructed Heliot of the places he was certain there were survivors and then the safest mansion on the outskirt of the capital. Heliot listened carefully to the instruction, gazing in a particular direction while nodding.