The scream of death

Claude blinked, putting his hand over his brows to see what was going on. He narrowed his eyes, catching several people lowering rowing boats from either side of the ship. Some of the ships were nosediving into the sea.

"What the…" he trailed off when the Kraken let out another piercingly loud scream, making Claude cover his ears. From this distance, Claude already felt like his eardrums would shatter at the noise. He couldn't imagine how loud it was for those in the ships. 

"Hell… what kind of throat…" he couldn't finish his sentence once again as he noticed a figure flying in the air like a shadow. 

All Claude saw was this sharp glint of metal before a strong gust of wind blew past him. Claude raised his arm in front of him on instinct, getting slightly drenched by the splash of water. When he peeked over his shoulder, all he saw was this tiny figure in the air with his sword against the Kraken's gigantic tentacle.